Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Various Fabrics Used for Curtains

Curtains once used to prevent light, heat and to maintain privacy, these days became an important element of home decor. The appearance of the curtain depends upon the type and quality of the fabric used in making it. So it is important to consider the kind of fabric used to make your curtain. Different curtains are used for different places and for various occasions.

Here are few types of fabrics which are used for making the curtains.

Cotton: The fabric which is most commonly used for making the curtains. There are many advantages in using the cotton curtains. They are less expensive and durable. Curtains made of cotton can be used both for simple looks as well as for classy styles. They are easy to clean and are easy to hang as well.

Silk: Silk Curtains though costly gives an elegant look to the rooms. They are woven in different patterns and styles and are best suited for the decoration of different rooms in the house. If you want to give a royal look to your house it is better to go for silk curtains. But the disadvantage of these curtains is they are unlined and have the tendency to rot in direct sunlight.

Linen: Lines curtains are also popular these days due to their rich look and the affordable price. They are woven both on light and heavy patterns so that we can select our desired ones. They are less expensive when compared to silk curtains and are durable.

Synthetic: These are the least preferred curtains since they don't look that rich and are very dull when compared to the other curtains. But still they are maintenance free and are very cheap. They can be better used as curtain linings.

Wool: Wool curtains are not commonly used since their cost ranges very high. But when woven in to curtains these wool curtains gives an elegant look to your home. They act as a perfect insulators and are easy to handle. They are woven in both light and heavy patterns depending upon the quality and variety of the wool used.

These are different kinds of fabrics used in the manufacturing of curtains.

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