Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Journey To Success And Wealth

In this rich society of ours, there are more possibilities these days than ever before. The sweet smell of success and hope is an introduction for People inherited from birth. Success accomplishment and achievement are synonymous with hope and belief. It is only through succeeding; accomplishing and achieving that people are able to realize the promise of bountiful happiness and admiration. In many individuals, however, this instinct has been diverted or pushed aside. Eyes that turn toward questioning self and its abilities become clouded by the possibility of failure. Focusing on failure births despair and stifles the drive for success. Soon wants and must haves turn into debt and bitterness, robbing you of your self worth.

Wealth has many definitions in the material world. While one person may aspire to be meaningful and significant, while another may desire monetary wealth and yet another simply aspires to be the best piano player he/she can be. There are professional racecar drivers, fishermen, tractor operators, salespersons, pilots, artist, musicians plus thousands of other things that occupy people. Most people want to be the best they can be in what ever they doing. Having a lot of money may not be the primary goal of an artist. You could say, "The realization of achieving personal goals" defines being rich or successful. That's pretty simple, yet most people don't get anywhere near achieving their personal goals. Why can't they have self-satisfaction
through a feeling of accomplishment? The person who sees wealth as happiness is always engaged in self-gratification. Self can never be fully satisfied because satisfaction is a thirst that can't be filled. Wealth cannot quince the thirst for possession. The more one possesses the more he/she wants to posses. You must make the challenge the prize not the result of the challenge when you focus on the result, you loose focuses on the challenge. The result is simply a measurement of how well you are progressing in the challenge.

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