Monday, November 17, 2008

Terrible Fear of Being Buried Alive

It is very terrible experience to wake up every night in mid of a sleep to check if you are not buried inside a coffin. Well this may appear silly, but the case is happening and has happened with people suffering from Taphephobia.

Taphephobia, is fear of burying alive. It was very popular with people during 18th and 19th century. It was because the medicinal support for people was not as accurate as today’s. People sometimes had to rely on doctors with not much practice in their field. It is in these cases that people were sometimes mistaken as death and buried alive. Though history has no apt evidences for this premature burial, there were Urban Legends which circulated wildly through out the society and left an epidemic of terror even within the wise and rich of the society. It is said that the rich used to write dedicate some part in their will to fix some alarming device inside their coffins.

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