Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Precautions For Fitness Training For Over 40 Age Group People

crossfit Brooklyn
As the age increases, there will be a slower response to muscle recovery and physical exercise, indicating an essential need for change in the operation of a fitness routine in the lifestyle. Exercises which were performed in fitness routine once without any difficulty will now become a challenge and makes the individuals to break off physical exercise from fitness routine as age starts to create a heavy damage. But fitness training is very essential for older age individuals in order to have progressing health and quality of life. Older individuals must do fitness training exercises carefully precautions to prevent injury.

First, warm-up must be given more priority before performing prolonged exercise routine, to warm the body for doing exercises and prevent an alarming injury. Warm up might only last for 5 minutes in the early years, but with the body aging, it is vital for each warm up routine, whether walking or biking, to be performed for nearly 15-20 minutes. This increase in time helps in stretching and warming the muscles for the following workout, and also vigorously decreases the frequency of injury when regularly done before each extended exercise period.

Second, full body workout routines must be done for the complete muscular structure, and routine which includes functioning of only a few muscle groups a day must be avoided. Exercises which includes several muscle groups instead of single muscle like squats or bench presses must be performed because they will make uniform assessment of stress in muscle alignment. Exercises which involves more effort must be avoided.

Finally, some workouts are preferred depending on age. Instead of performing lifting routine 3-5 times a week as done in youth, now one day per week or less gives more result, as the recovery time is more between each single workout day. Workout routine should be done in few amount as they provide good results for complete health and prevent injury observed in excessively active individuals of older age.

Related Links:
Ballarat Personal Training

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