Monday, August 9, 2010

Tips for Safe Online Shopping

When you want to purchase through online then you should use these tips. These tips help you to determine the whether you are shopping at secure website or not.

A secure password: Don't pick every day words, family members names or birthday dates when you are setting up an account, online. Use upper case and lower case letters and special characters and numbers and symbols, and also change password from one account to another account.

A secure payment process: Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) encrypts sensitive information so ensure that the online store use SSL. Check out at the bottom of your browser window for the locked padlock icon. If it is there then website is secured one.

Find out legitimacy by other shoppers: Other sites may help you to determine a company's legitimacy, like or BizRate.

Be aware of the online auctions: You should know about rules and policies of auction and as well as legal terms of the seller's products which you want to bid on.

Check the price: Be aware of the price of the products especially in auction and consider how much you are paying per product or item. Ensure extra handling and shipping costs.

Review different policies: Return and refund, shipping and handling policies and other legal terms should be reviewed before purchasing any item online. Ask the seller by an e-mail or telephone to know the policies and other terms, if you cannot find them.

Safest way to pay: You can use the safe way to pay the money to order on the internet. You can use credit-card to pay for the order.

Check out website security: You can find out the secure website, if it is secure website then it will shown on the website address like “s” after http://. And at bottom of the web browser, it shows closed padlock on status bar if it is secured website.

Use filter: Browser filters warns you of suspicious websites and phishing sites and you are blocked from visiting them.

Observe the item: Whenever you receive the item then look at it carefully, if you discover any problem with it then immediately contact the seller. You tell the problem in writing to seller and keep one copy with you and you can ask for repair or exchange or refund.

These are tips for shopping safely online. If you follow these tips, you can make safe purchases online shopping.

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