Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What are the Factors Causing Tooth Sensitivity?

Among various dental problems, tooth sensitivity is the common one. It is the experience of tooth pain or discomfort while having sweets, ice cream, and hot or cold beverages. Some people also feel pain when exposed to cold air.

The main cause of the pain is due to the exposure of an underlying layer of teeth called dentin because of the receding gum tissue. The dental tubules present in the roots allow the stimuli like cold or hot to reach the nerve in the tooth. This causes a feel of pain. There are many factors leading to tooth sensitivity. Here are some of them.
  • Brushing too hard by using a hard-bristled toothbrush is one of the factors causing tooth sensitivity. The enamel on the tooth may break down because of this, making the dentin exposed.
  • Conditions such as periodontal diseases can move away the gums. As a result the root surface becomes exposed thereby increasing the chance of tooth sensitivity.
  • Tooth decay at the regions of gum line also enhances the pain.
  • Presence of chipped or broken teeth is also a problem. They may be filled with bacteria from plaque. Their entrance into the pulp causes inflammation which also rises the tooth sensitivity.
  • Enamel on the teeth may wear down because of grinding or clenching of the teeth. This may expose the underlying dentin.
  • One of the factors causing tooth sensitivity is the age. It is mostly observed among people between 25 and 30 years of age.
  • Regular consumption of acidic foods including tomatoes, citrus fruits, tea, and pickles also elevate the chance of tooth sensitivity. This is because they erode the enamel on the teeth.

Apart from these factors, cavities and fractured tooth also are responsible for tooth sensitivity. Some teeth whitening procedures may also sensitize the teeth. It is therefore necessary to consult a dentist when suffering from tooth sensitivity.

Related Links:
Teeth Whitening London

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