Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Certain Home Remedies for Reducing Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is the common dental problem seen in many people. It is promoted by several factors. However, there are certain remedies or tips for reducing tooth sensitivity. Here are some of them.
  • Avoid using toothbrush containing hard bristles. The root surface of the teeth may wear down creating many sensitive spots because of the use of such toothbrush. Instead use a sift toothbrush applying a gentle up-and-down motion when brushing.
  • Avoid eating acid containing foods. Also prevent taking soft drinks frequently.
  • Use a toothpaste that has a desensitizing effect. Fluoride and Potassium Nitrate or Strontium Chloride are present in such desensitizing toothpaste. The dentine tubules can be filled with the help of its use, thus reducing the sensitivity.
  • Massaging the gums with finger at least thrice a week can improve the blood circulation. Using powder salt for massage can be helpful as it acts on the bacteria present in the teeth and gums.
  • Keep the pain and discomfort away by regular flossing.
  • Using cinnamon and clove oil is the best way of getting relief from tooth sensitivity.
  • Chewing leaves of guava can help reduce the pain.
  • Avoid the level of sugar intake to prevent further problem.

These are the common and easy tips that help in reducing the pain associated with teeth sensitivity. However, certain dental procedures like white fillings or bonding, dentin sealers, and fluoride varnishes are the right methods to treat tooth sensitivity. Maintaining a good oral hygiene can therefore reduce the problems associated with any dental issues including tooth sensitivity. Brushing twice a day, flossing regularly and avoiding unhealthy habits like smoking are some of the common practices that help in maintaining the dental health.

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