Friday, January 27, 2012

Know How to Maintain Your Gas Heater

The burners or the heating material present in gas heaters cannot function correctly when it is blocked with dust. Therefore, gas heaters should be maintained properly by servicing them when such a problem is encountered.

The natural gas flame should appear in blue color. The yellow color flame indicates that the gas heater is not functioning properly and it needs to get serviced.

Care must be taken that gas heaters should not cause any problems like foul smell, smell of hydrocarbons and watering from eyes. The most important thing to take care is, it should not cause difficulties in breathing because it creates respiratory problems.

Inspection must be done if there is damage for the working parts or if there is any bad connection, make sure that the damaged parts are replaced with the new parts. If you notice any greasy dirt you must call the heating contractor to clean it. If some dust is present in the device the thermostat operation fails and it cannot function properly. The dust which is interfering with the thermostat can be cleaned using a soft brush or a paint brush. The gas furnace and boilers must be changed when dust is accumulated into it.

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