Here we are. 2008 has arrived and so our thoughts turn to our numerology forecast 2008. In order to work out what number YEAR you'll be in 2008 you need to start your workings out with 2008 itself. 2 +0+0+8= 10. 10 reduce to the single digit of 1 (1 + 0). Then all you have to do is add up the day and month of your birthday and add those numbers to the 1 from 2008. For example if your birthday is 25th February this is how you work out what YEAR you'll be on in 2008: 2 + 5+ 2+1= 10. 10 as we know reduce to the single digit of 1. Therefore your 2008 numerology forecast would be a 1-YEAR.
Work out your own YEAR, your partners, friends and colleagues etc. to find out how the New YEAR will affect you all. As with all metaphysical subjects; exciting as it may sound that someone else can tell you your future, you do still have free will. What follows is a keyword for each of the 9 YEARs that people will find them on, plus a list of Do's and Don'ts to consider. Everyone has come back to this earth plane in order to learn the lessons that we didn't learn the last time we were here. And learn those lessons we will, but it's always easier to swim upriver than against it. That is what the Do's and Don'ts are all about, basically, how to make the journey easier.
Now discover your numerology forecast for 2008
Keywords: New beginnings, initiatives.
Do: Be Positive. Act alone. Use your intuition and make long-term plans.Don’t: Give up too easily. Enter into any business partnerships. Be moody or hang onto the past.
Keywords: Balance in all things, relationships.
Do: Be co-operative. Save money. Be patient and follow through with whatever you started last year.
Don’t: Start anything new. Be alone. Overspend or be aggressive.
Keywords: Expansion, creativity.
Do: Re-decorate. Socialize. Advertise and promote whatever you do.
Don’t: Make substantial changes. Start anything new. Lock yourself away or scatter your energies.
Keywords: Order, work.
Do: Be ready for hard work. Be orderly and methodical. Deal with all details. Make a budget and stick to it.
Don’t: Be lazy. Waste money. Rely on others. Complain.
Keywords: Go with the flow, self-promotion.
Do: Think things through. Keep an open mind. Accept all invitations. Expect the unexpected.
Don’t: Break any laws. Fight change. Over-indulge! Overspend.
Keywords: Love, home.
Do: Be responsible. Adjust to changes in the home. Take advice from friends. Be generous and loving.
Don’t: Give unwanted advice. Find fault. Be stubborn. Be selfish.
Keywords: Waiting, health.
Do: Rest. Research new ideas. Get away from it all. Correct past mistakes.
Don’t: Force any issues. Be impatient. Chase after money. Try and make progress.
Keywords: Karmic, money.
Do: Be money conscious. Do all the 'big' things yourself! Push on with new plans. Be modest.
Don’t: Be dishonest. Waste money. Invest after June. Be arrogant.
Keywords: Completion, emotion.
Do: Finish things off. Get rid of anything no longer required. Try and be unemotional. Make plans for next year.
Don’t: Be over-emotional. Delude yourself. Feel sorry for yourself. Over-react!
So now you know! Remember, if it wasn't what you were hoping for you only have to wait another 12 months for it to change! I hope you've found your numerology forecast 2008 of interest. Good luck, health and happiness always.